My platform

I want every single American to have the exact same opportunities. this isn’t a catch-up thing, or retroactive. But starting soon everyone will have access to the same things. The exact same education. The same information on sex and pregnancy and how to rectify it with religious beliefs, which you don’t have to. The same information on crimes and consequences. Knowing that any crime you commit and get convicted of comes with a set minimum no matter your circumstances.

Employees sign over access to everything while they’re employed. Only to be used in cases of leaked data. Punished on conviction for twenty years mandatory in prison. No exceptions. Anyone with direct connection to data is responsible for the data, so if an employee leaks information it also comes back to the supervisor who should have screened his employee better.

This is the most unhackable project in the world. It will constantly be under attack and we will constantly be protecting it.

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