
If your response to anything is “whatabout-ism”, you don’t actually have an argument. You let people know that as long as something else you can justify occurred, then you don’t feel the need to explain why you disapprove.

I love when hypothetical situations are tossed out. “I wish that guy had tried that with me. I’d have handled it.” Sure, with actual preparation and knowledge of what was to occur, but if you were in the exact same situation where someone panicked, you might panic too. I legally own a gun. I know how to shoot said gun. If someone comes to my door at 3:00am that I’m not expecting, I’d be prepared to use it if I felt my life was in danger.

Now lets say I’m out somewhere and an active shooter situation occurs. I’m not carrying my firearm out in public. I still have enough faith in humanity that I can run to Walmart or McDonald’s without getting shot. If I was going some place I feared I would need my gun on my person, I’d rethink going to such a place unless it was absolutely necessary.

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