• Living life

    Since last month I have been unemployed. Oh I did however get hired with two different part-time jobs so I can go to concerts whenever I want. I’m event staff at Alamodome (XFL baby! Big name concerts!) and AT&T Center (Spurs! Concerts!). It doesn’t pay much but the benefits are worth it.

    Hey I am still looking for my new forever job and I have applied for a few IT positions but so far no response except to acknowledge they received my application. That is nice of them.

  • Sucks

    I could have sworn I was as accommodating as I could be for my employer but it seems like I am now toxic. Sucks, but what’s the use in stressing? I’ll be fine no matter which direction things go. The wife is worried, but not me.

    Hopefully I’m wrong. Just feels like I’m not.

  • When I’m elected…

    My theme song will be a theme playlist on shuffle. It could be Closer, it could be proud to be American, it could be a Discworld audiobook. those are really long so we might be there awhile statistically. I am going to have a comfy chair to sit on, probably a nice recliner and maybe with a beer just chilling enjoying you know discworld man. You can feel free to sit down to. It’s fine man I don’t blame you I’m tired you’re probably gonna be tired to get a load of man just sit and enjoy Rincwwinds story.

    My inaugural celebration will be three day music festival with entertainment for everyone. I won’t be there the whole time but you know I hope you enjoy yourself. I get tired easily. I’m not ill, just lazy sometimes.

  • My platform

    I want every single American to have the exact same opportunities. this isn’t a catch-up thing, or retroactive. But starting soon everyone will have access to the same things. The exact same education. The same information on sex and pregnancy and how to rectify it with religious beliefs, which you don’t have to. The same information on crimes and consequences. Knowing that any crime you commit and get convicted of comes with a set minimum no matter your circumstances.

    Employees sign over access to everything while they’re employed. Only to be used in cases of leaked data. Punished on conviction for twenty years mandatory in prison. No exceptions. Anyone with direct connection to data is responsible for the data, so if an employee leaks information it also comes back to the supervisor who should have screened his employee better.

    This is the most unhackable project in the world. It will constantly be under attack and we will constantly be protecting it.

  • Weight loss

    Apparently when all of my medical issues started and I signed up for a Fatty Liver study 54 months ago, I weighed 286. 54 months later I’m down to 230 and working on getting muscle again. I’ve been rocking three or four hours of cardio every day in my garage with my exercise bike and rowing machine and whatever I’m currently binging. Small changes that I’m continuing to build on.

  • WiFi for all

    Please @WhiteHouse, let’s make WiFi available to all Americans for free. Nothing fancy, just enough to surf the web for information. I feel that access to knowledge should be a freedom everyone can benefit from.

    The pandemic showed that most things can be accessed through the internet.  We’ve had watch parties instead of going to the theater.  People who don’t know how to text have Zoomed.

    With government offered internet you also have a department to look out for the internet users. A department that responds to scam reports. One that also advises about scams.

    Imagine if your great aunt was told in advance that the IRS isn’t going to call and ask her to pay her fees with Google Gift Cards.  Sure, @GooglePlay  will lose money, but they’d probably get less angry phone calls about refunds.

    We have the last generation that started in an Analog world.  Everyone who was born at least since 2000 is familiar with technology.  We will never again have a time when a smartphone wasn’t available.

    Start now with giving all Americans and those residing in America a way to access all the information in the world.  Do you want your enemy having access to something you don’t?  Stupidity is our enemy.

    The only way to defeat stupidity is to band together for the benefit of everyone.  I want you to be able to fact-check anything I say.  I am the worlds greatest lover!  No need to look it up.  I believe it to be true and my opinion is valid.

    We are learning differently now.  Not just remotely, but in how we actually teach.  Why do children still have to carry textbooks home?  Provide tablets to all students, replaced every two years with books licensed digitally instead of textbooks.

    You also could get away from certain school supplies.  No need for pens or paper when you submit your assignment digitally.  No bulky backpacks anymore.

    Again, there would ideally be an agency in charge of all of this.  You want oversight on the internet?  That’s where it gets tricky.

    If you supply the internet you would need a very conscientious agency that fully grasps the difference between freedom of speech and freedom from consequences.

    The Reliquary Of Learning Lots or T.R.O.L.L would be the best government agency.  The mascots could be Stupidity the Troll and Captain Information.  There could be a cartoon!  On @PBS!

    Anyway, please think about offering WiFi to everyone.  Access to information should be a right and a freedom for all.

  • Whatabout-ism

    If your response to anything is “whatabout-ism”, you don’t actually have an argument. You let people know that as long as something else you can justify occurred, then you don’t feel the need to explain why you disapprove.

    I love when hypothetical situations are tossed out. “I wish that guy had tried that with me. I’d have handled it.” Sure, with actual preparation and knowledge of what was to occur, but if you were in the exact same situation where someone panicked, you might panic too. I legally own a gun. I know how to shoot said gun. If someone comes to my door at 3:00am that I’m not expecting, I’d be prepared to use it if I felt my life was in danger.

    Now lets say I’m out somewhere and an active shooter situation occurs. I’m not carrying my firearm out in public. I still have enough faith in humanity that I can run to Walmart or McDonald’s without getting shot. If I was going some place I feared I would need my gun on my person, I’d rethink going to such a place unless it was absolutely necessary.